Database Unit

We will be using Microsoft Access to learn about databases. Most of the lessons and video will come from so be sure to study and review at any time.

Test are in RED

Lessons / Assignments

Working With Data

  1. Lesson - Working with Tables
  2. Simple Database - 2 points
  3. Lesson - Working with Forms
  4. Disney Form - 2 points
  5. Lesson - Sorting and Filtering Records
  6. Music Database Sorting and Filtering Assignment - 5 points
  7. TEST - Working with Data (study the above lessons) - 20 Points

Database Design Tips

  1. Lesson - Modifying Tables
  2. Lesson - Creating Forms
  3. Lesson - Formatting Forms
  4. Lesson - Designing Your Own Database
  5. TEST - Database Design Tips (study the above lessons) - 10 Points