C9 - Pivot Tables

FIRST: if you have not reviewed the lesson (or watched the videos) on Pivot Tables, DO SO NOW by going HERE.

Directions Part 1:

  1. Download THIS file and save to your H: drive
  2. Using Pivot tables, answer the following questions (you may want to write them down):
    1. What salesperson sold the most?
    2. What region sold the most?
    3. What month had the smallest sales?
    4. What month had the largest sales?
    5. How much did Kathy Albertson sell in February?
    6. Which salesperson sold an average of 670?
    7. Which salesperson had the lowest sales for January and March together?
    8. Chris Walter had 9 individual sales. Who had the next highest?
    9. Who had the lowest sales for March and April combined?
    10. If you exclude Tia and Chris, what was the total sales for January and March?
  3. Enter you answers HERE

Directions Part 2:

  1. Open a blank Excel file and save as "last, first name c9 pivot_tables"
  2. For each of the charts below, you will use the data file you downloaded in step A and recreate each chart. Take a screencapture of the completed chart and crop everything but the chart. Put each chart on a new tab and rename the tab as "chart 1", "chart 2", etc.
  3. Turn the finished File into the INBOX.
Chart 1
Chart 2 chart 2
Chart 3 Chart 3
Chart 4 Chart 3
Chart 5 Chart 5