Read the directions and follow them step by step. Reference the sample to make sure you are on task 1. Download the Report document 2. Save as “Last, First name PERIOD C6 Report” in your H: drive 3. Add page break under “Annual Report Year 10” on page 1. Make sure “Annual Report” is at the TOP of the second page. 4. Make the text on the second page double spaced. 5. In the header, add your name, class period 1, and date – make this information single spaced. 6. Add a page number in the bottom left of the footer 7. Remove the header and footer from the title page (the first page) 8. Convert the text in the “Three Years in Brief” data to a table. • HINT: select ONLY the data – NO EXTRA LINES 9. Resize the new “Three Years in Brief” table so the columns are the same size as the data 10. Move the “Three Years in Brief” table to the center of the page. 11. In the “Statement of Profit” table, add a row below the Young and Chic (or above the Cost of Goods) line. 12. In the new line: Type Revenue in the first column, Insert a function that adds the 3 revenue figures above this line =SUM(ABOVE) • HINT: functions can be found on Table Tools > Layout > Data > Formula 13. Convert the “Vision for Year 11” text to a table 14. Resize and “Visions for Year 11” table to 2 inch columns and center of the page 15. Insert a table Caption above “Three Years in Brief” table and center • HINT: go the lessons and read the how to insert a caption or search help 16. Insert a figure Caption above “Market Price” graph and center 17. Insert a table Caption above “Statement of Profit” table and center • HINT: should be 2nd table citation) 18. Insert a table Caption above “Vision for Year 11” table and center 19. On Page 2, first paragraph, first sentence, find the (see) and insert a CROSS-REFERENCE to your Table 1 Caption RIGHT after the word see but before the ) • HINT: look at the sample 20. On Page 2, second paragraph, last sentence, find the (see) and insert a CROSS-REFERENCE to your Table 2 Caption RIGHT after the word see but before the ) 21. Compare your document to the sample document. Make sure everything is correct.