The 'Images Are Fun' Picture Page Assignment

Now that you have had an introduction to images, you can add them to your web page and format them in the proper order. In this assignment, you will create a new web page that demonstrates all the image skills you have learned previously in class. Read the directions and try your hardest.


  1. From your template file, create a new web page called 'lastfirstnamepicturepage.html' Save it INSIDE your website folder.
  2. Change the <title> in the head section to "Your Name Picture Page Assignment"
  3. Type 'My Picture Page' and apply <h1></h1> to it.
  4. Just under that, add a 'by' line with your name.
  5. Insert a Horizontal Ruler - <hr> .
  6. You will create three rows of pictures. You may choose any pictures you want but try to keep the theme similar.
  7. For the first row, type 'Saved Pictures' and apply the <h2></h2> tag
  8. Insert 3 pictures using the relative location as the value (ex: <img src="pix/picture.jpg">). Save all your pictures in your PIX folder.
  9. Insert the <hr> tag
  10. For the second row, type 'URL Pictures' and apply the <h2> tag
  11. Insert 3 pictures with absolute locations (using the URL) as value (ex: <img src="">).
  12. Insert the <hr> tag.
  13. For the third row, type 'My Favorite Pictures' and apply the <h2></h2> tag to it .
  14. Insert 2 of your favorite pictures in any manner you choose (relative or absolute). Use the style attribute to align one picture to the left and the other to the right.
  15. After both pictures, type 75 words about where you found all your pictures and why you chose them.
  16. Insert a STYLE section to the head and make the following formating changes:
  17. Save your work for grading.



Sample Page

Sample Page